аhilipp Johan Strahlenberg (1676-1747)
D.G. Messerschmidt Route expedition of D.G.Messerschmidt A.S.Pushkin about Strahlenberg "Great Peter's history" A.S.Pushkin Tomsk picture on a rock
The well-known Swedish scientist and the researcher аhilipp Johan Strahlenberg was born in Stralsund in 1676, and originally carried surname Tabbert. The new surname (and a nobiliary title) he has received for military merits. He has received a military rank of the lieutenant colonel of the Swedish army . Accompanied with Charles XII in Northern war. During the Poltava fight (27.6.1709) he was taken in a captivity and banished to Siberia (to Tobolsk). Strahlenberg has lived 13 years in Tobolsk. Strahlenberg was the oustanding scientist (draftsman of maps, the ethnographer, the archeologist, the historian) and collected there data from everywhere. In Tobolsk he has got the invaluable manuscript of the composition of the known Bukhara historian еVII in. Abu-L-Gazi "The family Tree tatars" (or "Genealogical tree of tatars"). Further he has organized translation of this manuscript into Russian and German languages, and also its publication.

In 1718 the state decree signed by Peter I, "About collecting and storage of antiquities" is issued. In 1920 Great Peter has organized the first in a history of Russia expedition to Siberia (1720 - 1727) which was headed by German D. G. Messerschmidt. The purpose of expedition was all-round studying Siberia. In Tobolsk expedition has joined Strahlenberg, having received Great Peter''s personal sanction to travel on Siberia (and freedom).

The basic results of expedition on research of Siberia:

- the natural-science data on Siberia are collected;
- the first definitions in Siberia geographical coordinates of district with mapping, astronomical supervision;
- detailed maps of Siberia, врђр№шш, Russia are made;
- invaluable exhibits on an ancient history of Siberia are collected;
- the first are made in Siberia archeological excavations of barrows on the left coast of the river Yenisei (about Abakan);
- remains of the mammoth are found;
- data on numerous Siberian peoples, their life, languages are collected;
- for the first time it was investigated Tomsk picture on a rock - a sanctuary, a unique monument of world culture. It is a rock painted in IV - the beginning of III century B.C. (all about 200 figures of animals, birds, people, boats etc.);
- it is in detail described animal and flora of Siberia, Altai; - the first geological researches of Siberia, authentic definition of many richest deposits of natural minerals - silver, gold, copper, iron, coal etc.

In 1721 has presented in gift to Great Peter detailed "the Map of Russia and Great Tatarian " - result of the laborious research work in Siberia.
After returning to Sweden Strahlenberg has published a map of Russia in Amsterdam in 1726 and in Sweden in 1730. In 1730 has issued in Stockholm the book " Фas Nord und ostlich Theil von Europa und Asia " ("the North and east part of Eurasia"). Other name of this book - "the Description of the State Russian". In it he has stated all results of the researches, including for the first time has published figure Tomsk picture on a rock.

Up to the end of days Strahlenberg continued scientific work on the basis of the materials collected in Siberia. He has made the big ethnographic and historical researches on occurrence and culture of ancient peoples, living in Siberia. He studied a history of ancient Russia and in details described Peter''s I epoch. Has put forward a lot of theories which subsequently were confirmed (about a generality of peoples of the north of Russia and the Scandinavian countries, about deposits of silver in Karelia, rich minerals on Ural and many other things).
Mr. Strahlenberg and Mr. D. G. Messerschmidt are considered as the first scientists investigating Siberia.

Works of Strahlenberg (maps, descriptions of various regions of Siberia etc.) actively were used in the further researches of Siberia by the known Russian scientist V.N. Tatishchev. It is known, that V.N. Tatishchev went to Sweden to Strahlenberg for consultations.

A.S. Pushkin in the unfinished work "Great Peter''s History" highly has estimated researches of Strahlenberg and his role in studying Russia. "Great Peter''s History" - Pushkin''s uncompleted work - has reached us as the extensive preparatory text in which Pushkin has fixed results of studying by him by Great Piter’s epoch. In "Extraction" from Introduction Pushkin has noted: "Strahlenberg speaks about two parties existing in Russia, pro and contra Peter I". Pushkin has written down on items essence of disagreements between supporters and opponents Peter; besides Pushkin has got book of Strahlenberg.

Strahlenberg has died in 1747, in the age of 71 years.

Sources of the information:

1. M.G. Novliandskaia “Phillip Iogann Stralenberg: His works on research of Siberia” /editor M.I. Belov. Moscow, 1966.
2. L. BAGROW “History of Cartography”.
3. V.I. Vernadsky "Sketches on a history of natural sciences in Russia in XVIII century".
4. A.S. Pushkin "Great Peter''s History" (researcher I. Fejnberg).
5. BROWN, LLOYD A. “The Story of Maps”.
6. Vorob''eva I.A., Maloletko A.M., Rozen M.F. "Historical cartography and toponymics of Altai", Tomsk. 1980.

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