Andrei Skiba GIS-specialist (The Resume)
My business achievements My business album Application form My E-mail My company
I look for position in foreign GIS-company!

I am Russian specialist in GIS (Geographical Information Systems).
I work in the Russian GIS-company "The Cadastre Bureau of Taganrog". My company - is the recognized leader in Russia in the field of development and creation of the GIS-applications for the decision of tasks of management the city as by economic, social and cultural environment, Land Cadastre. We provide the users by the completed full complex decisions for management and perspective planning of cities. Our company is the official distributor of firms: Trimble Navigation Ltd, Nikon, ESRI, ERDAS, Space Imaging.
My company is awarded with a special First prize of the company ESRI (USA) in 1998 for the big contribution to use in the Russian Ground Cadastre of program appendices of ESRI.
I am 37 years old. I have two higher educations. My base education the computer engineer (1987) and the second my education - the appraiser (valuation expert) of the real estate (2001).
Besides I had few foreign training in leading European GIS and the Cadastral companies:
1) Dutch company KADASTER (The Netherlands, Eindhoven) 2000
2) Swedish companies ESRI-Sweden and Swedesurvey (Sweden, Gavle) 2001

I have also two international Diplomas as a manager.
My dream - to work in the leading foreign GIS-company. I have sufficient experience of dialogue in English, two times won in Russian and International competitions of young managers. I very quickly can be trained in any structure of activity.
I am ready to consider any offers.
More detail information about me (included all my Diplomas and references) you can see on my personal web-site:

Andrei Skiba, Taganrog, Rostov region, Russia

My E-mail: ;
My phone: + 7 (863-44) 6-99-05
+ 7 (863-44) 4-47-38
+ 7 (863-4) 387-387 (private, home)
My fax: + 7 (863-4) 310-620
My personal web-site: (in English)

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