My business achievements  

Diploma of electronics engineer
My basic high education - Diploma of electronics engineer (Taganrog Radiotekhnical Institute).
I received this Diploma 24.06.1987 in Taganrog

Diploma of valuation expert
My second high education - Diploma of Valuation expert (Moscow Economical Academy by Plekhanov).
I received this Diploma 15.06.2001 in Moscow

My First International Diploma of Manager
This Diploma I has received after my training in Dutch company "Kadaster". This is the TACIS Diploma.
I received this Diploma 20.12.2000 in Manchester, England

My Second International Diploma of Manager
This Diploma I has received after my training in Swedish companyes "ESRI-Sweden" and "The National Land Survey of Sweden" . This is the NORDPRAKTIK Diploma.
I received Diploma 3.11.2001 in Stockholm, Sweden

Congratulation with 10-years anniversary from
Congratulation for my company with 10-years anniversary from company "ESRI", USA
Reference about my training in company
My training in Swedish company "ESRI-Sweden" - world leader in GIS-technology.
The reference about my training in the Netherlands
This is the reference from head of Dutch company "Kadaster" Mr. A. Faas about my training in his company (Eindhoven, Holland)
Congratulation with 10-years anniversary from
Congratulation with 10-years anniversary from "ESRI-Sweden", Gavle, Sweden
First Annual - Special GIS Awards from ESRI, USA
This First Annual from company ESRI, USA my company "Cadastre Bureau of Taganrog" received in 1998 in San Diego, USA
Letters from clients
Some information my work
It''s my anketa - information about my education, business achievements,
my knowleage, my experience and so on.

My SuperProject - Oldest map of Russia (1730)!
This map was created by Swedish GIS person.
My Resume
This is Resume about the main idea of creation this site and my target in my life and my business.
Web-site of my company
This is the web-site of my company "The bureau of Cadastre of Taganrog".
Our company is a leader in Russia in the Land Cadastre and
GIS-technology''s company

My work in State Cadastral Valuation of Land in Russia
This page about my paticipation in Russian State Project - State Cadastral Valuation of Land in Russia.
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