Andrei Skiba - Appraiser and International expert in the Land Cadastral System
CURRICULUM VITAE My Business achievements References, Thankful_letters Старейшая карта России (1730 г.), привезённая мной из Архива Национальной Земельной Службы Швеции! My SuperProject - Oldest Map of Russia (1730) (English version) My Business photoalbum Мои стихотворения Web-site of my company My E-mail

Welcome to my site!

I am a GIS-expert, the Appraiser of the
land lots and the real estate.
Valid member of Russian Society of Appraisers.

Now I am working in company "INTECH" (Taganrog).

My present position in company -
Head of Department (Economic analysis and regional projects).

International expert in the Land Cadastral System.
The companyes “Swedesurvey” (Sweden), “Cowi/Kampsax A/S“ (Denmark), "LIFA A/S" (Denmark) and "GTZ" (Germany), have included me in lists of experts for the participation in the international projects.

I have an operational experience with GIS-applications.
I have 2 higher educations - the computer engineer and the valuation expert to the real estate.
I have experience of dialogue with foreign partners and the companies.
Has passed training in leading GIS-companies of Holland (company "Kadaster"), Sweden
("ESRI-Sweden", "The National Land Survey of Sweden" and "Swedesurvey") and Finland ("FM-Kartta" and "The National Land Survey of Finland").
I have three international diplomas in management.
Qualification - the Project manager.

This site will help you to find more detailed information about me.
All information about my business activity, my experience, education, international relations, and references about my international trainings, about myself and my company you will find on page "My business achievements".

My E-mail:
Web-site of my company:

©2002-2006 Andrei Skiba production.
All rights reserved

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